Fantasy Tree

The Fantasy Tree is for my Imagine worlds project with (Ben and Luke) this asset is too make it stand out , I wanted to create a object That was different to a normal tree as we are doing a gnome village it was a fantasy style but this tree has a twist to it, its fantasy to the point where it stands out. The tree need a look where it was fantasy looking but it looked like it could have an interesting story.

I made the Tree in sculptris by using all of the different sculpting tools to make it look creepy , after the sculpting was done the next job was texturing it , which I placed the Tree into Substance painter , where I textured the tree using fill layers , black masks , emissive and different shades to create this creepy looking Tree. This is where the tree gets interesting the emissive lights on the inside of the curve for the tree are the only source of light coming from inside the cave also the yellow dots around the darkness of the trees were created to make it looked like you were always being watched by something.

Overall I am proud with this model as it didn’t take too long to create and the texturing really makes it stand out to compare to the non textured version. This was completely  successful I couldn’t be happier with this model.


Ladybird- Gnome Village

Today i created a ladybird for the Gnome village to make it look more alive and to make the scene have something in then just plants and houses. The programe i made it on was substance painter for the texturing and sculprtris for the model.

Making the model its self was froam a ball wich sculptris gives you , all i had do was sculpt the shape and add the extra detail to the mesh such as , the head , face , legs and the seperation of the wings. Then i took it ino substance painter painter to textue the model using black masks and other concepts.

I made the display with the help of Nathan , i got the renders of substance and placed them ino photoshop and added  some text. Nath helped  with using the normal maps , the colour and the rough map to make it look nice , he also helped me make it look more professional.



Game Design and Production (Week 12)

This is the final week to get the document and the presentation slides done. So as a team of 4 instead of 5 we have worked hard to get the everyone’s work done.  So I have worked on getting the audio section finalized by just adding some more paragraphs on in game sounds. I have also done a really quick painting of what Sheriff Pollock would look like in the game so the viewer could get an understanding.


This what I imagine pollock would look like and as I have stated before he has theBig obvious white hat, shining yellow sheriff badge, dark brown sheriff boots, and a brown holster with a firearm. this fits with themes i was going for.


Game design and production (Week 7)

The UI is diegetic, the player will be able to see and interact with a note pad that is inside his hat. This an interesting concept because with the Ui being diegetiic we might get different dialogue from the narrator who is viewing the note pad too. The downside of having the UI diegetic is that the player can still be attacked when accessing the menu.

The Main Menu however will be non-diegetic and spatial so the main menu is in its own world but as the story progresses the main menu’s picture will change with it. So if the player was now in Canada instead of London the main menus picture would change.


Image result for diegetic UI

Non Diegetic

Image result for non-diegetic and spatial ui

UI Reference

Game design and Production (Week 11)

This week as a group we are deciding on how to do the presentation of the document as time is running out. We are going to go over the document and cut it into sections and each of us will talk about the parts we have done. This way will probably be the easiest way as we know what we have done and we haven’t done, however with one of our members not being here we will have to do his part.

Presentation Notes for my subject Art.

  • The Art Style we have decided to go with  ( Spongebob meets Alice in the wonderland)
  • Why we have went with this Art style (With the setting being cowboy-post-civil-war themed. (1865-1880) Art designs from the period reflect this. For instance, Alice In Wonderland was also created around the same time frame.)
  • Art Theme and contrast between the “Good Guy” and the “Bad Guy” ( ex. White cowboy hat and dark cowboy hat)
  • Art Asset List Breakdown 

Game design and Production (Week 10)

This week for the game document I chose to do some research in the UI side of things mainly art, as one of our group members have unfortunately not been able to do the tasks he was given and because of that we have had to split his work evenly among us.

The UI design I have chosen to go with the game is a very simple one, with the game being quite simple and nice to play. The example I’m going to present is the Kid like look for the design of things like big bright yellow star to show well you’ve done at the end of a mission. this will give a comedy factor to the game because even though the game looks like a kids game its actual quite graphic.

This the Style for the UI. 

See the source image

UI layout

See the source image

The layout will be very similar to GTA V’S as we have a similar gameplay mechanics to GTA with both of them being similar to open worlds.

Game Design and Production (Week 9)

This week  me and Lyles worked on the Gantt chart as we were behind on this as it was due in a week before but due to other team members not being able to show up to our weekly  scrums and meetings, we didn’t have all the information to complete the chart. so me an Lyles sat in the library and worked on it for about 5 hours to get it complete.

We reached a lot on the audio side of the Gantt chart, how long it would take to write an audio book, how long it would take to read it and how often was the narrator often to spend doing dialogue. With this information we had our audio for our Gantt chart.


Narrator Reference

Game Design and Production (Week 8)


Unfortunately my team were unable to come in as they are ill so I’ve took it upon myself to sort out apart of the Finance for our document I will be doing the money out in employment section and I will split the finance into different sections so as a team we can all have part to do. I am going to make an excel spreadsheet of the money for the employment part on how much it should cost realistically and do the rest as research and explain about tax and insurance.

Money out – costs

Game Design and Production (Week 2)

My Game Idea

My game idea is couch co-op game with mini games. one of the mini game ideas was that it is 2-4 player game where you have to knock on a door and run away however on person controls the arms and the other person controls the legs and the person you are controlling is like a ragdoll so the limbs fly all over the place. I think this would be a fun concept as it’s difficult and fun. the mini games will be similar to this idea where you have to control different parts of the body.

The game that I had in mind that is similar to this is octodad which was a fun game with fun challenges and I thought that this would be good as a co-op couch game, also the fact the there’s not many couch co-op games around that much .

See the source image

Game Design and Production (Week 6)

This week we sat together as a team and discussed the unique selling points of our game. As I’m the lead on the art side I said the unique selling point on the art side is the unique art style we have decide to go for the story through the art alone. Lyle said the twist and turns in the story element make it unique and the concept that its fish cowboys underwater. Lyles said that the quest system with the narratives voice over makes a unique concept instead of a character dialogue its the narrative speaking over everything and we all agree that these are some great unique selling points.

Art asset list research

asset list.PNG I made an art asset list for what was the highest priority to the lowest, I only made a couple of assets just show how the asset list will look. I used a similar asset as a template to help me make my asset list.

Click to access Art%20Asset%20List.pdf

Game Design and Production (Week 5)

Art plan

Beginning – The Art style at the beginning of the game will start of really bright and colorful, to show simple times before the story will take twists and turns and it will develop into something more serious.

Middle – In the middle the art style starts to change from a more colorful and bright tone to a slightly washed out colorful setting. The washed out setting fits with the twists of the story as the middle of the story is the turning point were the protagonist is dealing with his/ hers hardest challenge.

End – The end of the story the art style will lose it’s bright colorful tone and it will be a dark version of the bright tone from the beginning, this will show how serious the feud between the two protagonist has got, this where the tension has build up to lead to a conclusion. This is the outcome of the journey.


The unique selling point for the art is the style. The style is an Alice and wonderland bright colors and over exaggerated features, however this will change through the story as i have listed above with the tone changing through out the story.

Game Design and Production (week 4)

My Role – Art and Character Design.


The Art choice have went for is cartoon style like SpongeBob but with a twist. With the era being Cowboy themed (1865-1880) I have researched some of the art from back then and I found out that Alice and the wonderland was also created at the same time period. So with inspiration with cartoon style I want to mix it with John Tenniel’s illustration and have bright colours with some over exaggerated features.

Example of Bright colours and over exaggerated features. 

Examples for how are art can look.

The Main characters – In our story the Sheriff and the outlaw will be playable characters so you get to see both sides of the story and decide the conclusion of the fates as who you label the good guy and the bad guy.

Sheriff – Big obvious White hat, Bright yellow sheriff badge, dark brown sheriff boots , and a brown holster with a bubble gun.

Outlaw – Black hat (not as big as the sheriff’s), Black rough boots, brown damaged holster with bubble gun.

The colours on both characters represent a lot about there personality and there past such as the White sheriff hat and the black outlaw hat, show that they are opposite like on chess board the white king and black king. The sheriffs boots indicted a lot in colour with them being ‘dark’  and not ‘light’ brown boots, it shows that he walks and makes a heavy decision on a daily basis, the boots are as dark as past he cant walk away from. The last thing I want to note is the design of the outlaws damaged boots and holster, it indicates that he is poor he doesn’t have money to afford new ones and shows his personal live, it also could show that he is always on the move that he doesn’t have time to change and start over.

The SpongeBob style comes in as there is some comedy elements to the game, and as people know SpongeBob is full of comedy and already has that under sea setting which is what we are going for. The art is also very simple and easy on the eye to look with from shapes to colour and its easy to detect what makes a friendly character and a not friendly character such as SpongeBob’s square body and round eyes to planktons dark green body and pointy antennas.